KLCA for Christ
A Hope to Build a True Community of Faith

History of KLCA
Kingdom Life Community Association(KLCA) is a Multi-ethnic, non-denominational ministry for Christian leaders and pastors. We love one another in the Lord and follow Jesus’ command to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39)
At first, in 2002, the founder of ministry (Rev. John Cho) focused on strained Relationship between Korean Americans and Hispanic Americans, so the Korean Latino Community Association was founded. At second, in 2007, When Dr. Tae Kim took over this ministry, our mission and ministry would be expanded to include all races; Asians, Latinos, Caucasians, African American, and Messianic Jews. At third, in May 2016, this is the foundation of our new name; Kingdom Life Community Association (KLCA). We, KLCA, are seeking for both the Unity in Christ Jesus and God’s Kingdom and Life that lives out God’s will for his people.
As a Christian Leader, Dr. Tae Kim believes our Multi-ethnic community needs Churches and Christian leaders must preach the gospel to focus on the Unity as One in Christ because the Unity in Christ can bring forgiveness, restoration, and reconciliation: the Unity in Christ has great power to tear down the stronghold of racism, anger, hatred, prejudice, and selfishness.
Jesus is our peace. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility. (Ephesians 2:14)

The 5th KLCA Prayer Breakfast: Multi-ethnic Christian Leader Fellowship was held on February 25, 2012 with an attendance of over 150 people. We have seen our fellowship grow from 70 at our first meeting in February 2010, and 117 on September 11, 2010 celebrating Latino Heritage Month to 150 or more participants at each meeting since. We are thankful that along with a core group of regular participants, we have over 100 new people coming to each meeting. We believe our vision of the unity is being shared and with each new member who joins our meeting.
The purpose of this meeting is for Christian leaders and pastors of many ethnic groups: Asians, Latinos, African Americans, Caucasians and others, to come together to worship and pray together, especially for our community, that we can have true unity rather than division.