KLCA for Christ
A Hope to Build a True Community of Faith

We are encouraged by many who have been supporting this ministry, acknowledging the need for unity and peace between cultures and races, between generations, and even between denominations. Even though the world encompasses each human being on earth whether Jew or Gentile, whether white or black, male or female, poor or rich, educated or uneducated, and even though we are working for different Philosophies, Theories, Doctrines, and Denominations. We are all in one in Christ Jesus.
Voluntary Contribution and Voluntary Workers:
We are grateful to our supporters who give of their time, energy, love and gift to support our Ministry of Reconciliation for the unity in Christ of all God's people for the Glory of God and Kingdom of Heaven.
1). If you want to donate your gifts for the ministry of KLCA, Please follow as below:
Give by Checks:
It should be made payable to "KLCA" or "Kingdom Life Community Association" and mailed directly to the office at: 981 S. Western Ave. Suite 202, LA, CA 90006
Request for Tax-deductible Receipt:
Upon request, receipts will be mailed to the person or organization who gave gifts/offerings to KLCA’s mission.
2). If you want to donate your time as voluntary work for the KLCA Events or for the gospel of the unity
in Christ, Please follow as below:
Please make your Resume and your Voluntary Work Plan
(include: What is your talent, How many hours to work, What days can you work)
* And Send them by KLCA email address: klcathkim@yahoo.com or t4c@klca4christ.org
Please Pray and work for the God, not for yourself.
Tel: 323) 600-5672
981 S. Western Ave. Suite 202
Los Angeles, CA 90006